
Athletic Facilities

Heritage is home to 2-double gymnasiums, 1-double cross-fit and wrestling, 2 fully equipped weight rooms, 1 spinning room, two-full sized soccer turf fields, a football turf field, and a 400-meter track with long and triple jump sand pits.


Our recently renovated auditorium offers state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment with a seating capacity of 563. This venue allows us to showcase our students’ incredible talents.

Cafeteria Services

Our cafeteria is run by Laberge Services Alimentaires Inc. Offering a healthy choice of hot and cold meals daily. Prepaid cards are available for purchase at the cafeteria or from their website at https://www.weblaberge.com. Cash and debit are also accepted.

E-Mail address:heritage@weblaberge.com
Phone: (450) 678-1070 extension 7054
MenuSee Cafeteria

Learning Commons

Our Learning Commons is a common and shared space that is both physical and virtual. It is designated to move students beyond mere research, practice and group work to a greater level of engagement through exploration, experimentation and collaboration. Find more information on the Learning Commons page in the student section of our website.

Multimedia Studio

Our studio allows students to work on multimedia projects. Equipped with a multi-camera production system and live streaming capabilities, our studio allows students to discover a passion for technology and new media. With the help of staff members, students produce daily Chronicles which are live streamed to every classroom and television in the school.

Garden & Outdoor Classroom

Our garden and outdoor classroom provide our students with alternate learning environments and opportunities. The garden includes a variety of organic fruits and vegetables including berries, lettuce, tomatoes, garlic and onions which are harvested at the end of the growing season. Our Garden Club helps care for and maintain the school’s garden.

In collaboration with Alveole Urban Bee-Keeping, our garden now includes two beehives. Our students harvested honey from the hives and helped create a variety of organic honey products.

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